Complete set voll. XXI-XXX


Vol. 3 contains fascicles XXI to XXX and is bound in a dark green skivertex cover

Price: 108,00 euro

30 – Index fascicules XXI-XXIX


Dark green (Skivertex) coloured binding with complete index of the XXI-XXIX fascicules.

Price: 9,00 euro

29 – Cortinarius subgen. Phlegmacium raros o interesantes


Author: J. A. Cardiñanos (2004)

Series title: Fungi non Delineati – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: Spanish– Number of pages: 89 – Number of illustrations: 40 b/w illustrations, 54 illustrations in colour.

Price: 15,00 euro

28 – Notes sur cortinaires et psathyrelles rares ou nouvelles


Author: G. Eyssartier (2004)

Series title: Fungi non Delineati – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: French – Number of pages: 55 – Number of illustrations: 11 b/w illustrations, 16 illustrations in colour.

Price: 9,00 euro

27 – Macrobasidiomicetos asociados a Eucalyptus en la Península Ibérica


Authors: M. Lago-Álvarez & M.L. Castro (2004)

Series title: Fungi non Delineati – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: Spanish – Number of pages: 84 – Number of illustrations: 19 b/w illustrations, 24 illustrations in colour.

Price: 10,00 euro

26- Rare or interesting species of Psathyrella


Author: E. Arnolds (2003)

Series title: Fungi non Delineati – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 76 – Number of illustrations: 23 b/w illustrations, 8 illustrations in colour.

Price: 11,00 euro

25 – Osservazioni sul genere Melanoleuca


Authors: R. Fontenla, M. Gottardi & R. Para (2003)

Series title: Fungi non Delineati – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: Italian – Number of pages: 112 – Number of illustrations: 21 b/w illustrations, 40 illustrations in colour.

Price: 14,00 euro

24- Contribution to the knowledge of genus Agaricus


Author: L.A. Parra Sánchez (2003)

Series title: Fungi non Delineati – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: English, Spanish – Number of pages: 108 – Number of illustrations: 24 b/w illustrations, 48 illustrations in colour.

Price: 14,00 euro

23 – Studies in Galerina – Galerinae Flandriae (1)


Authors: A. de Haan & R. Walleyn (2002)

Series title: Fungi non Delineati – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 66 – Number of illustrations: 16 b/w illustrations, 16 illustrations in colour.

Price: 14,00 euro

22 – Macromiceti nuovi, rari o specifici della regione mediterranea


Authors: D. Antonini & M. Antonini (2002)

Series title: Fungi non Delineati – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: Italian – Number of pages: 72 – Number of illustrations: 13 b/w illustrations, 16 illustrations in colour.

Price: 9,00 euro

21 – Contribution to the knowledge of species of Entoloma subgenus Leptonia growing in dry grassland


Author: J. Vesterholt (2002)

Series title: Fungi non Delineati – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso  – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 64 – Number of illustrations: 40 illustrations in colour.

Price: 14,00 euro

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