Flore Mycologique d’Europe 5
Flore Mycologique d’Europe 5

Collybio-Marasmïoïdes et ressemblants


Author: M. Bon (1999)

Publisher: Association d’ecologie et de mycologie – Series: Flore Mycologique d’Europe [Documents Mycologiques – Mémoires hors séries] – Volume: 5 –  Language: French. – Number of pages: 171.

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Fungi non delineati 9
Fungi non delineati 9

Funghi della zona mediterranea insulare italiana


Authors: M. Contu & S. La Rocca (1999)

Series title: Fungi non DelineatiPublisher: Mykoflora – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: Italian – Number of pages: 48 – Number of illustrations: 16 b/w illustrations, 16  illustrations in colour.

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