Flore Mycologique d’Europe 3
Flore Mycologique d’Europe 3



Author: M. Bon (1993)

Publisher: Association d’ecologie et de mycologie – Series: Flore Mycologique d’Europe [Documents Mycologiques – Mémoires hors séries] – Volume: 3 –  Language: French. – Number of pages: 153. 

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Fungi Europaei 4
Fungi Europaei 4

Lepiota s.l.


Author: M. Candusso & G. Lanzoni (1990)

Series title: Fungi EuropaeiPublisher: Libreria editrice Giovanna Biella – Copyright information: Lidia Carla Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Italian (key: English, Italian) – Number of pages: 742 – Number of illustrations: 133 b/w illustrations, 80 illustrations in colour.

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Fungi Europaei 9
Fungi Europaei 9

Amaniteae – Amanita, Limacella & Torrendia


Authors: P. Neville & S. Poumarat (2004)

Series title: Fungi EuropaeiPublisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: French – Number of pages: 1119 – Number of illustrations: 128 b/w illustrations, 202 photocolor, 113 colored plates. ISBN: 8890105739.

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