Fungi non Delineati 76-78
Fungi non Delineati 76-78

Agaricus L. from European Mediterranean countries


Authors: A. Cappelli & L.A. Parra Sánchez (2022)

Series title: Fungi non DelineatiPublisher: Candusso Editrice – Copyright information: Lidia Carla Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 520 – Number of illustrations: 677 illustrations in colour.

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Fungi non delineati 8
Fungi non delineati 8

Russules rares ou méconnues


Author: P. Reumaux (1999)

Series title: Fungi non DelineatiPublisher: Mykoflora – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: French – Number of pages: 56 – Number of illustrations: 27 b/w illustrations, 8 illustrations in colour.

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Fungi non delineati 9
Fungi non delineati 9

Funghi della zona mediterranea insulare italiana


Authors: M. Contu & S. La Rocca (1999)

Series title: Fungi non DelineatiPublisher: Mykoflora – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: Italian – Number of pages: 48 – Number of illustrations: 16 b/w illustrations, 16  illustrations in colour.

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Fungi of Northern Europe – Volume 4
Fungi of Northern Europe – Volume 4

The genus Tricholoma


Authors: M. Christensen M. & J. Heilmann-Clausen (2013) 

Series title: Fungi of Northern Europe  – Volume: 4 –  Publisher: Svampetryk –  Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 228.

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Fungi of Northern Europe – Volume 5
Fungi of Northern Europe – Volume 5

The genus Mycena s.l.


Authors:  A. Aronsen & T. LæssøE (2016) 

Series title: Fungi of Northern Europe  – Volume: 5 – Publisher: Svampetryk –  Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 373. ISBN: 9788798358121.

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Fungi of Northern Europe – Volume 6
Fungi of Northern Europe – Volume 6

The genus Psathyrella s.l.


Authors: L. Örstadius (2023)

Series title: Fungi of Northern EuropeVolume: 6 – Publisher: Danish Mycological Society –  Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 375.

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Fungi of Temperate Europe
Fungi of Temperate Europe

Authors: Læssøe T. & Petersen J. H. (2019)

Publisher: Princeton University Press. Volumes: 1 & 2  Language: English – Number of pages: 1708.

ISBN: 9780691180373

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Guida alla determinazione dei funghi volume 1
Guida alla determinazione dei funghi volume 1

Polyporales, Boletales, Agaricales, Russulales


Author: Moser M. (1978)

Publisher: Ed. Saturnia.  Language: Italian – Number of pages: 565

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Guida alla determinazione dei funghi volume 2
Guida alla determinazione dei funghi volume 2

Aphyllophorales, Heterobasidiomycetes, Gasteromycetes


Author: Julich W. (1989)

Publisher: Ed. Saturnia.  Language: Italian – Number of pages: 597

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I Funghi Clavarioidi in Italia – vols. 1 e 2
I Funghi Clavarioidi in Italia – vols. 1 e 2

Authors: P. Franchi & M. Marchetti (2021)

Volumes: 1 and 2. Publisher: A.M.B. Fondazione Centro Studi Micologici –  Edition number: 1 – LanguageItalian (keys in English and Italian) Number of pages: 1362.

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I Generi Hohenbuhelia e Resupinatus in Europa
I Generi Hohenbuhelia e Resupinatus in Europa

Authors: G. Consiglio & L. Setti (2018)

Publisher: A.M.B. Fondazione Centro Studi Micologici-  Edition number: 1 – Language: Italian and English Number of pages: 448

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Il Genere Crepidotus in Europa
Il Genere Crepidotus in Europa

Authors: G. Consiglio & L. Setti (2008)

Publisher: A.M.B. Fondazione Centro Studi Micologici-  Edition number: 1 – Language: Italian / English Number of pages: 344

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