Le guide des champignons de France et Europe – 4° ed.
Le guide des champignons de France et Europe – 4° ed.


Authors: Eyssartier G. & Roux P.  (2017)

Publisher: BelinEdition: 4  Language: French. – Number of pages: 1151. ISBN: 9782410010428.

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Microscopy & Fungi
Microscopy & Fungi

Authors: M. Lecomte (2024)

Publisher: Association del Mycologues Francophones de Belgique –  Edition number: 1 – Language: English, the same volumes is available in French version (Microscopie & Champignons). Number of pages: 260. ISBN: 9782960345209.

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Monografie di pagine di Micologia 2
Monografie di pagine di Micologia 2

Funghi ipogei- catalogo illustrato delle specie della brianza, dei territori lariani e delle zone limitrofe


Authors: Sarasini M., Bincoletto A. & De Vito A. (2015)

Publisher: A.M.B. Fondazione Centro Studi Micologici Volume: 2 of Monografie di Pagine di Micologia – Language: Italian. Number of pages: 120. 

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Morels of Europe
Morels of Europe

Authors: Clovez P. & Moreau P.A. (2021)

Publisher: Cap Régions Édition – Edition number: 1. Language: English. Number of pages: 368. ISBN: 9782918956334

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Mycena d’Europa – Volume 2
Mycena d’Europa – Volume 2

Author: G. Robich (2003)

Publisher: A.M. . Fondazione Centro Studi Micologici-  Edition number: 1 – Language: Italian (introduction and keys also in English) – Number of pages: 733-1527.

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Polypores of the mediterranean regions
Polypores of the mediterranean regions

Authors: A. Bernicchia & S.P. Gorjón (2020) 

Publisher: Romar–  Edition number: 1 – Language: English Number of pages: 903. ISBN: 9788896182147

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Puffballs of northern and central europe
Puffballs of northern and central europe

Author: M. Jeppson (2018) 

Publisher: Sveriges Mycologiska Förening –  Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 360.

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Studying the Discomycetes from initiation to advanced levels
Studying the Discomycetes from initiation to advanced levels

Author: R. Dougoud R. (with collaboration of J.P. Priou & N.Van Vooren; preface M. Hairaud) (2024)

Publisher: Ascomycetes.org-  Edition number: 1 – Language: available in English and French. – Number of pages: 82. ISBN: 9782958755515

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