Corticioid fungi of Europe 1


Acanthobasidium – Gyrodontium 


Authors: K.-H. Larsson K.-H. L. & Ryvarden (2021)

Publisher: Fungiflora – Volume: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 266. ISBN: 9788290724608

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Volume 1 of Corticioid Fungi of Europe is the first of three volumes. The book includes an introduction, key to genera, and descriptions of genera (and species) from A to G. Almost all species are illustrated with black and white drawings of microscopical characters. Some 50 species with conspicuous and/or coloured basidiocarps are also illustrated with colour pictures. The mycological scope is wide, including all European wood-inhabiting Homobasidiomycetes exclusive of Polyporaceae and Agaricaceae (in a wide sense) and a total of some 850 species will be described and illustrated in the end.

Two more volumes are in preparation. Volume 2 will include descriptions for genera from H-P, while volume 3 will include the final descriptions of genera from R-W besides a list of references and an index.

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Weight 1,5 kg


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