Flora Mycologica Iberica 1


Aphyllophorales resupinatae non poroides, Acanthobasidium-Cystostereum


Authors: Telleria M. & Melo I. (1995)

Publisher: J. Cramer VerlagVolumes: Flora Mycologica Iberica n. 1  Language: English and Spanish – Number of pages: 223. ISBN: 978-3-443-65006-3

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The volumes of Flora Mycologica Iberica describe and document the variety and nature of the fungi of the Iberian Peninsula. At the same time the volumes provide keys for the identification of the species treated.

As fungi differ considerably, their study requires a certain degree of specialization. On the other hand, some groups have received a greater degree of attention than others.

All volumes of Flora Mycologica Iberica are bilingual (english/spanish) and are profusely illustrated. They are edited by the Real Jardin Botanico, Madrid, the botanical Garden of Madrid, Spain.

This first volume of the series Flora Mycologica Iberica contains descriptions of 80 species of 33 genera of Aphyllophorales with keys for identifying species. Many detailed drawings are included to aid identification. They are supplemented by a detailed bibliography. An index lists all species and generic names. The text is bilingual and so are the figure captions.

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