Flora Mycologica Iberica 3


Gasteromycetes I Lycoperdales, Nidulariales, Phallales, Sclerodermatales, Tulostomatales


Author: Calonge F. D. (1998)

Publisher: J. Cramer VerlagVolumes: Flora Mycologica Iberica n. 3  Language: English – Number of pages: 271. ISBN: 978-3-443-65008-7

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The volumes of Flora Mycologica Iberica describe and document the variety and nature of the fungi of the Iberian Peninsula. At the same time the volumes provide keys for the identification of the species treated.

As fungi differ considerably, their study requires a certain degree of specialization. On the other hand, some groups have received a greater degree of attention than others.

All volumes of Flora Mycologica Iberica are bilingual (english/spanish) and are profusely illustrated. They are edited by the Real Jardin Botanico, Madrid, the botanical Garden of Madrid, Spain.

The third volume of the Flora Mycologica Iberica deals with a part of the Spanish flora of gastromycetes, namely the epigean orders Lycoperdales, Nidulariales, Phallales, Sclerodermatales and Tulostomatales. The hypogean taxa and secotioid Gasteromycetes will follow in a later volume. The work is bilingual (Spanish/English), like the previous volumes. Spain is known for its very rich underbelly fungal flora. This is due to the great ecological diversity of the Iberian Peninsula, as is evident from a glance at the species treated: e.g. Arachnion lazei, A. lloydianum, Battaraea phalloides, Dictyocephalus attenuatus, Phellorina herculanea, Schizostoma laceratum, Tulostoma spp. (19 species!) and others, as Mediterranean or extremely continental representatives of the Gasteromycetes, indicate the value of this edition of the Flora Mycologica Iberica. Phallus duplicatus ss. str. (differentiated from Phallus impudicus var. pseudoduplicatus) may even represent the first definitive record for Europe, as is also discussed in the text. As usual, the most important features are explained in the introduction. The line drawings used for this purpose are very descriptive. The authors define the Gasteromycetes according to the concept of HAWKSWORTH et al. (1995) Ainsworth & Bisby’s dictionary of the fungi. The classification follows JÜLICH (1989). In the meantime, the classification of Gasteromycetes has been largely revolutionised on the basis of both molecular biological and anatomical studies.

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