Fungi non delineati 21


Contribution to the knowledge of species of Entoloma subgenus Leptonia growing in dry grassland


Author: J. Vesterholt (2002)

Series title: Fungi non DelineatiPublisher: Edizioni Candusso  – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 64 – Number of illustrations: 40 illustrations in colour.

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COD: CAND_FND_21 Categorie: ,


Introduction (part of)

Thanks to the effort of the Dutch mycologist Machiel Noordeloos the knowledge of Entoloma species has increased tremendously in the last 25 years. His monographic studies are summarized in “Fungi europaei vol. 5” (Noordeloos 1992), and this work is an absolute must for anyone who is interested in the genus, and who wishes to spend some exciting hours with their microscope […] The purpose of this paper is to suggest an easier way to identify some of the more characteristical grassland Leptonias, and to present color photos of a large part of the species […]


Entoloma anatinum (Lasch) Donk, Entoloma asprellum (Fr.) Fayod, Entoloma atrocoeruleum Noordel., Entoloma caeruleum (P.D. Orton) Noordel., Entoloma caesiocinctum (Kühner) Noordel., Entoloma catalaunicum (Singer) Noordel., Entoloma chalybaeum (Pers.) Noordel., Entoloma cocles (Fr.) Noordel., Entoloma coeruleoflocculosum Noordel., Entoloma corvinum (Kühner) Noordel., Entoloma cruentatum (Quél.) Noordel., Entoloma cyanulum (Lasch) Noordel., Entoloma exile (Fr.) Hesler, Entoloma formosum (Fr.) Noordel., Entoloma glaucobasis Noordel., Entoloma griseocyaneum (Fr.) P. Kumm., Entoloma hispidulum (M. Lange) Noordel.,Entoloma huijsmanii Noordel., Entoloma ianthinum (Romagn. & J. Favre) Noordel., Entoloma incanum (Fr.) Hesler, Entoloma indutoides (P.D. Orton) Noordel., Entoloma kervernii (De Guern.) M.M. Moser, Entoloma lampropus (Fr.) Hesler, Entoloma lividocyanulum (Kühner) Noordel., Entoloma longistriatum (Peck) Noordel., Entoloma melanochroum Noordel., Entoloma mougeotii (Fr.) Hesler, Entoloma mutabilipes Noordel. & Liiv, Entoloma nigroviolaceum (P.D. Orton) Hesler, Entoloma ochromicaceum Noordel. & Liiv, Entoloma politoflavipes Noordel. & Liiv, Entoloma poliopus (Romagn.) Noordel., Entoloma porphyrogriseum Noordel., Entoloma pseudocoelestinum Arnolds, Entoloma pseudoturci Noordel., Entoloma roseum (Longyear) Hesler, Entoloma scabropellis Noordel., Entoloma sericellum (Fr.) P. Kumm., Entoloma serrulatum (Fr.) Hesler, Entoloma sodale Noordel., Entoloma turci (Bres.) M.M. Moser, Entoloma weholtii Noordel., Entoloma xanthochroum (P.D. Orton) Noordel.


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