Fungi non delineati 56-57


Characteristic and rare species of Gasteromycetes in Eupannonicum


Authors: I. Rimóczi, M. Jeppson & L. Benedek (2011)

Series title: Fungi non DelineatiPublisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 226 – Number of illustrations: 53 b/w illustrations (+ 56 maps), 107 illustrations in colour.

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Introduction (part of)

The first scientific description of the Hungarian macrofungi was given by Carolus Clusius in 1601. In his book titled “Fungorum in Pannoniis observatorium brevis historia”, published in Antwerpen (Istvánffi 1900). The 116 fungal species discussed in this work included two puffballs: Lycoperdon utriforme Bull.:Pers. and Langermannia gigantea (Batsch:Pers.) Rostk. The latter one was also illustrated in the book by two paintings, both showing mature, rupturing sporocarps (Bohus 1983).


Astraeus hygrometricus (Pers.) Morgan, Battarrea phalloides (Dicks.) Pers., Bovista aestivalis (Nonord.) Demoulin, Bovista furfuracea (J.F. Gmelin) Pers., Bovista plumbea Pers., Bovista tomentosa (Vittad.) De Toni, Calvatia candida (Rostk.) Hollós, Chlorophyllum agaricoides (Czern.) Vellinga, Conocybe deliquescens Hauskn. & Krisai, Cyathus stercorues (Schwein.) De Toni, Disciseda bovista (Klotsch) Henn., Disciseda candida (Schwein.) Lloyd, Disciseda hyalothrix (Cooke & Massee) Hollós, Galeropsis desertorum Velen. & Dvořák, Gastrosporium simplex Mattir., Geastrum berkeleyi Massee, Geastrum campestre Morgan, Geastrum corollinum (Batsch) Hollós, Geastrum coronatum Pers., Geastrum elegans Vittad., Geastrum floriforme Vittad., Geastrum fornicatum (Huds.) Hook., Geastrum hungaricum Hollós, Geastrum kotlabae V.J. Staněk, Geastrum lageniforme Vittad., Geastrum melanocephalum (Czern.) V.J. Staněk, Geastrum minimum Schwein., Geastrum pseudolimbatum Hollós, Geastrum rufescens Pers., Geastrum saccatum Fr., Geastrum schmidelii Vittad., Geastrum striatum DC, Lycoperdon decipiens Dur. & Mont., Lycoperdon dermoxanthum Vittad., Lycoperdon lividum Pers., Lycoperdon molle Pers., Lycoperdon nigrescens Pers., Lycoperdon pratense Pers., Montagnea radiosa (Pall.) Šebek, Mycenastrum corium (Guers.) Desv., Myriostoma coliforme (Dick.) Corda, Phallus hadriani Vent., Phellorinia herculea (Pall.) Kreisel, Tulostoma brumale Pers., Tulostoma cyclophorum Lloyd, Tulostoma fimbriatum Fr., Tulostoma giovanellae Bres., Tulostoma kotlabae Pouzar, Tulostoma leiosporum R.E. Fries, Tulostoma melanocyclum Bres., Tulostoma obesum Cooke & Ellis, Tulostoma pulchellum Sacc., Tulostoma squamosum Pers.

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