Fungi of Northern Europe – Volume 6


The genus Psathyrella s.l.


Authors: L. Örstadius (2023)

Series title: Fungi of Northern EuropeVolume: 6 – Publisher: Danish Mycological Society –  Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 375.

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This book provides identification keys, descriptions, colour photographs, drawings of microscopical features of 123 northern European species of Psathyrella s.l.

The author has studied these fascinating fungi for decades and has published widely on the subject, including new taxa. Furthermore, in collaboration with Ellen Larsson, the phylogeny has been studied based on DNA-sequences. This has led to a new understanding of the genus, and has led to segregation of new species and genera. The volume covers all psathyrelloid taxa irrespective of their current classification except species of Lacrymaria.

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Weight 1,3 kg


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