I Funghi Clavarioidi in Italia – vols. 1 e 2



Authors: P. Franchi & M. Marchetti (2021)

Volumes: 1 and 2. Publisher: A.M.B. Fondazione Centro Studi Micologici –  Edition number: 1 – LanguageItalian (keys in English and Italian) Number of pages: 1362.

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“I Funghi Clavarioidi in Italia” (Clavarioid mushrooms in Italy) is a new pubblication, written in Italian but with keys also traslated into English (by E. Grilli). The work is in two volumes. Over 300 taxa are treated including 22 new ones. Nearly 200 species, varieties and other forms are described in detail with photographs illustrating specimens both in their natural habitat as well as microscopic details. Taxonomy and nomenclature are discussed in depth and numerous phylogenetic trees provided, based on sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large sub-unit (LSU) regions of ribosomal RNA (rRNA). 73 holotypes are reviewed, related to taxa of the genus Alloclavaria, Artomyces, Clavaria, Clavariadelphus, Clavicorona, Clavulina, Clavulinopsis, Gomphus, Kavinia Lentaria, Macrotyphula, Mucronella, Multiclavula, Phaeoclavulina, Pterula, Ramaria (Subgenus Lentoramaria and Ramaria), Ramariopsis, Schildia, Typhula.

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