Monografie di pagine di Micologia 2


Funghi ipogei- catalogo illustrato delle specie della brianza, dei territori lariani e delle zone limitrofe


Authors: Sarasini M., Bincoletto A. & De Vito A. (2015)

Publisher: A.M.B. Fondazione Centro Studi Micologici Volume: 2 of Monografie di Pagine di Micologia – Language: Italian. Number of pages: 120. 

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Funghi Ipogei: Catalogo Illustrato delle Specie della Brianza, dei Territori Lariani e delle Zone Limitrofe is the second volume in the series Monografie di Pagine di Micologia.

The text presents the new and updated systematics according to recent phylogenetic studies
more than 120 species from northern Italy are described and identified to the level of classes, families, genera and species;
120 richly illustrated pages with over 140 colour photos of macro- and micro-morphological characters; for the most numerous groupings previously unpublished and useful dichotomous keys are included; descriptive summaries and descriptions extended with “personal remarks” for each taxa; a list of collection localities.

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