Fungi non delineati 73-74


Inocybe (Fr.) Fr. – terzo contributo


Author: E. Ferrari, D. Bandini, F. Boccardo (2014)

Series title: Fungi non DelineatiPublisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: Italian – Number of pages: 188 – Number of illustrations: 100 b/w illustrations, 150 illustrations in colour.

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Introduction (part of)

This work complements the previous contribution (FND-Pars 34-35-36 and FND Pars 53-54) and includes the species found by the author and by other mycologists, from coasts to alpine zone. In this volume of 188 pages there are described about 50 species with 150 color photos and 100 micrographs performed by the author. This is the third book with color photos on genus Inocybe hat exists in the mycological world literature. The systematic order and the taxonomic-nomenclature statement used are that proposed by M.BON.


Inocybe fuscomarginata var. paludicola (R. Heim) Bon, I. arenicola (R. Heim) Bon, I. hygrophorus Kühner, I. mimica Massée, I. orbata Malençon, I. quietiodor Bon, I. haemacta (Berk. & Cooke) Sacc., I. griseoscabrosa (Peck) Earle, I. personata Kühner, I. ayeri Furrer-Ziogas, I. gigantea (Romagn.) Bon, I. glabripes Ricken, I. griseotarda Poirier, I. leptocystis G.F. Atk., I. maculipes J. Favre, I. melanopus D.E. Stuntz, I. cf. melanopus D.E. Stuntz, I. phaeodisca var. geophylloides Kühner, I. treneri Bres., I. urceolicystis Stangl & Vauras, I. friesii R. Heim, I. serotina Peck, I. sp. (4/10), I. griseobrunnea Métrod, I. aff. pseudoreducta Stangl & Glowinski, I. vulpinella Bruyl., I. brevicystis Métrod, I. metrodii Stangl & Veselský, I. phaeoleuca Kühner, I. albovelata Reumaux, I. scabelliformis Malençon, I. ericetorum Vauras & Kokkonen, I. proximella P. Karst., I. soluta Velen., I. leptophylla G.F. Atk., I. plumbiana E. Ferrari & D. Bolognini sp.nov. , I. relicina (Fr.:Fr.) Quél., I . rennyi (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., I. subcarpata Kühner & Boursier, I. sp. (21/12), I. pallida Velen., I. ptaetervisa Quél. var. praetervisa, I. salicis  Kühner, I. albodisca Peck, I. picea Stangl & Schwöbel.

Other parts of this series
Pars 1 Pars 2

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